Friday, May 15, 2009

Anusmaran -2009

Networking is an art which you need to master while climbing the steps of any management Institute. Very often, Business requires it that you know the right people personally to foster your cause. Ask any big business man, and he would have a story to tell you about how knowing the right person has helped him some day or the other. 

One of the key merits of being in an established business school is the network of well established alumni spread across the globe. You could find people who 'have been there , done that' much before you and become their mentees and friends for a life time. But to achieve this there should be a well established alumni cell and an opportunity to meet them.

The alumni association at IIMB is bringing that opportunity with Anusmaran-09. It is an event that is happening across the globe ( Newyork, Singapore, Dubai, London, Hongkong, Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad and of course Bangalore) and brings alumni from across the time to interact with each other and with the fresh batch right in college. An event to connect and make life time bonds.

We have a lot to tell the alumni about what has happened in the last one year on the campus and I am sure that they would have a lot to tell us also from the ever exciting world of business,  especially in these troubling times. If you are/were an IIMB student, make sure that you attend Anusmaran-09. I am sure that we have a lot to talk and make new friends.